👏Bayern Munich Fans Applauds Lewandowski on his Return to Allianz Arena

#BarcelonavsBayernMunich #BayernMunichvsBarcelona #LewandowskivsBayernMunich #BayernFansReactiontoLewandowskiReturn

Just before Bayern Munich vs Barcelona today. When Lewandowski steps in the Bayern Munich pitch for warm up. Bayern Munich fans goes wild and applauds Lewandowski constantly. Watch how Lewandowski treated by Bayern Munich fans on his return to Allianz Arena as Barcelona player. Lewandowski is playing against Bayern Munich today.

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37 comentarios en “👏Bayern Munich Fans Applauds Lewandowski on his Return to Allianz Arena

  1. gi

    Stadium announcer (Stephan Lehmann):
    "Friends at this point I have to say something, because these kinds of stories only happen in football. We meet our Robert Lewan again, somewhat early ^^, playing 8 years for FC Bayern he scored 344(!) Goals and well maybe today, we get something like a Farewell game 🙂 We are very glad that you are here, Robert Lewandowski!"

  2. Joe Banana

    I repeat, Lewandowski said: " I can not play for bayern a single game anymore because of what's happend last days. I need more emotions in my life that's why I want to leave." As he come back to munich for trading few days, he said, his family and kids are not safe in munich, that's why he is alone. Wtf? All that to force a transfer. Spit on Fans, City, german culture. And the funny thing is, his kids are not safe in munich anymore. He lived 8 years in munich, nothing ever happend, he is 2 weeks in barca and get robbed. I like it that he gets applause, cause even a world footballer can do mistakes. And I think Robert know that. Anyway with these sentences he will never be a loved legend like Elber, Pizza, Ribery or Kahn.

  3. Clyck

    As a fan since 2007… I have been very disappointed with the formation and rotation under XAVI… Dembele totally out of form, useless hinges…. and he replaces raphina?

    The first half was ours.. Lewa Raphin's incredible performance, even S.Busguest… it's sad if luck really didn't happen to us today

    Marcos Alonso will be our biggest disappointment and I am very optimistic about that

  4. zenon ziemowit

    Przywitali Robera jak jakiegoś przeciętniaka co sobie nie dał rady w bayernie i przyjechal na stare śmieci z nową druzyną. Już jakis dziennikarzyna na twitterze odpłynał że przywitanie to były "ciary". Jakby np w Legii, Lechu był jakiś obcokrajowiec , który takie rekordy by robił w miernej ekstraklasie to by była oprawa. A tu? Zwykłe brawa, plus sporo gwizdów.

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