38 comentarios en “Andreas Christensen vs Bayern Munich (Pre-Season) 25/07/2017 HD 1080i

  1. @JonasFu7

    Im a Gladbach Supporter and I can tell you that he was imo one of the best defenders in the Bundesliga for the last 2 years. Top5 fastest player in the league (as fast as Aubameyang) + great timing (like extremly good)+ height and good heading+ accurate passing+ mentality + tackles (fair and intelligent) and hes like 19 or 20 . I've like never seen a really big mistake by him neither
    He will be one of the best defenders in the world soon. I hope he wont play as much in Chelsea and we get him back in winter so we can sell him for loads of money soon.
    First time I've been really impressed by a defensive defender

  2. @kxdnv

    He will make it to the starting 11 when cahill/luiz aging next two season. For the next season, he will be rotated as chelsea play in 4 diff tournaments and chelsea fans know how cahill will perform when the fixture is crowded

  3. @azianberry

    on loan players like christensen who feature regularly for their clubs, in my opinion are not too bothered about impressing the manager and trying to get into the chelsea first 11. they will just go back to the clubs they have been loaned to where they have an easier chance to play in the starting 11. i dont know if we can blame them either. especially when there's world cup next year and every player wants minutes to have a chance to get into their national team. players like christensen have nothing to lose but for chelsea i feel they are just trying too much in disinterested players.

  4. @leocolangelo1906

    Zouma is a million times better than Christensen! The fact is he doesn`t want to play for Chelsea nor does he want to play in PL. He wants to play for Gladbach in Bundesliga. Zouma on the other hand does want to play for Celsea and have signed a new 5 year contract. I would keep Zouma instead of loaning him out to Stoke.

  5. @mjig4178

    I still remember some expert football fan claim he better than david luiz 😂😂😂

    Now where this expert go, what you think about him against big team ??


  6. @heltctr8782

    these individual videos are excellent, thank you for uploading.
    For the future though, I think it is necessary to include any goals conceded when it a defender highlight video, irrespective of whether they were directly involved in play. It is important to see where the defender was during the goal action.

  7. @xg-amer1140

    how can you blame him he was used in a centre that too in his first match against mighty bayern
    and those people who think he is useless azpi was more average today does that mean we should sell him,huh idiots

  8. @attzable

    Why didn't you show the Bayern goals lol, he didn't close down quick enough. He's also built like a stick atm needs to put on some muscle will get bullied in the PL. Good on the ball though.

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