More to life than BAYERN MUNICH… The Dale Jennings Story

A name known by most people of a certain generation, a story known by few!

This week, we covered a whole host of topics with Ex Bayern Munich player, Dale Jennings, such as:
Raw talent Vs dedication
Leaving school aged 14
Leaving Liverpool FC
Becoming Tranmere’s star player
Failing a medical at Bayern
Life in the German Capital
Best players he’s played with
Falling in and out of love with the game
Life back in England
How family life changed him as person
New perspectives

This one is not to be missed!!

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7 comentarios en “More to life than BAYERN MUNICH… The Dale Jennings Story

  1. Stephen Kennedy

    Extremely moved watching this as I grew up in Kenny also without a dad figure for the first half of my life, went the New Park Primary with Dale before it was rebuilt with all the nice footy pitches, concrete for us! Then went to Broadgreen for a year or so before also moving out the city. We were never close but hung out a few times as kids, I remember once were we were messing about outside his mums on Molineux and Dale slipped and a spike went through his leg, accident prone!

    I personally do not like football much or even podcasts but have always took the time to follow his progress. When we were in primary school playing 50 a side as you do he would start at his own goal and run though literally 20 legs and score, almost everytime he got the ball. It was clear he was extremely gifted so it did not suprise me when people around me mentioned the name and said he was smashing it at Tranmere and had all kinds of clubs after him.

    I have alot of time for kids who come from backgrounds like us, similarly my brother is also in and out of trouble and is currently locked up so I can relate. I am one of the lucky ones who ended up with a really good friend at 13-14 who had his head screwed on and helped me focus and we both ended up with a degree and a well paid jobs but that is the minority if you come from underprivileged backgrounds with only 1 stable parent and zero guidance.

    I have also had my own battles with depression and such and help in the UK is extremely poor. The one thing I would say to you if you are reading this and can relate to this podcast is no matter what is going on in your life, no matter how crap you feel, someone else has it worse than you, so get out of bed, down a pre workout and hit the gym for a run and pump of some weights there is nothing else on the planet that can keep your mind focused and feeling strong and no one can help you but you. Without a daily gym session I would have jumped off a bridge along time ago, you cannot underestimate the power of exercise and clean eating and how much it can expand your way of thinking.

    Sorry to hear about all the bad luck throughout your career but it sounds like it has really made a man of you, I have just had my first daughter and could not even begin to imagine. You have done extremely well to cope considering the circumstances. Listening to you speak I can tell you have humbled yourself so no matter how much money you do or do not have you will always be rich. Regardless of if you drive a Farrari or a Fiesta your kids wont care or remember, but they will remember if you was a good dad and there for them. Good luck and all the best for the future Dale, proud of you lad and anyone else from Kenny who is breaking the cycle and bettering themselves, even if that does mean moving away.

  2. B C

    I remember this kid. Everton wanted him and Bayern got him. Don’t blame him for bailing Liverpool. I did it myself for years and the break does ya good. Good episode this.

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