Robert Lewandowski – Enjoy the best skills and goals of Bayern München’s best striker
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Robert Lewandowski has been the dominant forward in the Bundesliga in recent years. The all-round No.9 is comfortable with the ball at his feet, shots at goal from whatever distance and in the air using his head. He’s usually in the right place at the right time and knows exactly where the goal is. He has long been one of the top strikers in Europe and this season is once again reaching for the Torjägerkanone in the Bundesliga. Which goal of Robert Lewandowski is your favourite? Let us know in the comments!
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This is why ballon d'or shouldn't be used to classify good players……
the muller and lewa connection….crazy
Lewandowski is an excellent striker. He is effective, but not impressive. It's a skill to finish off an attack action with a goal.
Lewandowski scores most of his goals from the penalty box – he is in the right time and place to kick the ball into the net. His skill is his curse, as his sort of dexterity isn't spectacular for the public. He needs a team that supports him, like Bayern München, to be effective. Even if he scores more goals than Messi, Ronaldo, Ramos, Haaland, Son etc., he is less spectacular. General public craves for football beauty, but not clinical effectiveness which depends on the team effort.
I would compare Lewandowski to van Nistelrooy, however even that Dutch player was somehow more flashy. Lewandowski is boring, doesn't bring any activity into the midfield action, just waits for an opportunity. He doesn't move much, doesn't contribute to the overall strategy. He just scampers around here and there, waiting for a good fortune.
Whenever he is outside of his comfort zone (the zone guarded by his team), he is unable to perform. For example the Polish team is forced to play to reinforce Lewandowski's needs. Can you imagine: the whole team must play in such a way, so as to help Lewandowski in scoring goals. Polish team is not Bayern München, so we can not play effectively with such a "star". On the international level one needs a leader, not a star.
To summarize: there are players who lead the team, and there are players who need the team. Lewandowski has never been a leader – he just needs a set of circumstances to prove his effectiveness. He is an opportunist.
Szkoda że w polsce tak nie gra
Jest w moim sercu od początku kariery. Za dzieciństwa Boniek. Już nie dożyje następnego takiego. Czy był najlepszy? Każda dekada jest inna….mój ojciec zapamiętał Gadoche, Kostke. Obaj byli "klasa światowa "grając w Polsce.
Kocham pana panie robercie

Hello, I'm coming from 2024" a player who was a pity in Barcelona
At dortmund with gotze and gundogan he was something else mama mia
brawo dla Roberta Lewandowskiego
Της Πλάκας παίκτης είναι Δεν μου αρέσει καθόλου

Iewandoski je taime
Owona Maxwell
Noel Noa from Bluelock.
A máquina lewa
no nieźle strzela robert

Fact: most of the great player comes from Dortmund