47 comentarios en “The WORST Champions League Defeat in History

  1. @T-vy8cc

    Only thing I’m taking away from this game is we need a new keeper. Neur is bound to retire soon and this injury might be when he dose retire but if not there will probably be one more injury after this and he’s going to retire. I’m not watching ulerech in goals for a year just because we need a new keeper bro he stinks

  2. @L0zH3nry

    Bayern 9-2 Dínamo Zagreb holds the record for a team that scored the most goals in a single UCL match, which is obviously Bayern.
    But the worst defeat in UCL history is in a game back in 2015, where Real Madrid beat Malmo 8-0.

  3. @sausius2245

    When i saw the results i immediately thought that had to one of the most if not THE most ridiculous scoreline in Champions League history and it pretty much was. The fact that three of the goals were penalties makes it even more ridiculous

  4. @mirokresonja8383

    Yeah, it's like they stopped playing at some point. Ok, sure you're at 3-2, and then you're down 5-2. But for your own pride, play three times as hard at that point. Challenge every ball, take away the other team's time.
    But… no. They just gave up and started watching the game, instead of playing anymore.

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