18 comentarios en “Why Hitler Hated Bayern Munich

  1. AphaGoodies

    Tbh. i thought he would love bayern munchen due to it having a contreversial football club logo that showed an indian symbol but turned 45 degrees in black with a white and red background

  2. Grim Reaper

    The fact that only Two out of Seventeen members who signed Bayern Munich's founding charter were jewish does not prove that Bayern Munich had jewish roots whatsoever, in fact on the contrary it proves that jews were in the minority at Bayern Munich just like they were in the minority in Germany and around the world during the 1930's which extends to the present day because nothing has changed regarding both the majority of people's negative sentiment towards the jews and the jews racially-supremacist and ethnically-domineering behaviour towards the citizens of the countries that the jews inhabit.

  3. Jesse Varela

    Interesting to see some ppl despising hitler [rightfully so] but calling for the removal of Israel [from the river <Jordan> to the sea <Mediterranean>].
    Oh, the irony. 🤦‍♂️

    P.s some are OPENLY saying that "the Austrian painter was right". 🤐

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