Lionel Messi vs Boateng Throwback to the Champions League Semi Finals when Barcelona were up against FC Bayern and it was a Lionel Messi show
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Any time someone uses the word 'astonishing', it makes me think of this goal.
Messi hace un recorte a boateng y os pensáis que lo retiro y este que se fue al nicho
acabado boateeng totalmente
Messi always feint to inside… or not…
Yo creo que Boateng estaba esperando que Messi hiciera su clásica jugada de recortar para adentro para pegarle con la zurda y cuando hizo ese primer recorte seguro dijo "ahí está" pero una fracción de segundo estaba nuevamente Messi recortando hacia afuera, ahí se le reseteo el Windows y colapso
Messi actualy disconected boateng with this
but dont fotget,ribery disconected messi the same way
Never has there ever been video footage of someone's career ending. Boateng was never the same after this. Unfortunate, he was a great player, but he will always be remembered as the guy who Messi retired.
Serna do Fluminense contra o Galo
Lo jubiló
Ja vi varios dribles do Bruxo, de Ronaldo Fenomeno, Cristiano Ronaldo. Mas esse foi simples, rapido e objetivo, alem de humilhar o adversario kkkkk
El defensa también se presta solo se manea
Best angle braker crossover in football history.
Boateng help
Boateng ficou de xereca KKKKKKKKKKKKKJJJJ
That's crazy
Imagine elegantly defeating the best CB and GK(at the time) on the biggest stage like that.. SUBLIME.
I do better.
Real Madrid 15 x 5 Barça
A diferença dessa narração pra BR é gritante. Essa até tira o mérito do gol.
The best centre back and goalkeeper in europe at the time by the way
É verdade que esse zagueiro ficou paraplégico depois desse lance ?
Ele derrubou o Boateng com a força da mente
Ufff #1
Porra, vai comparar uma narração dessas com a do Jorge Iggor, vai