Robert Lewandowski was named as Striker of the Year on Monday night as French magazine *France Football* presented the award for the first time this year at the Ballon d’Or awards ceremony at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris.
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What's the name of the background music?
Robert Lewandowski ??♥️
Anyone knows the name of the background music? For me it's beatiful
Messi give back the Ballan d'or award to RL9 …Shame that you can't admit publicly that you didn't deserve to win.
Robert twój Ojciec jest z cb dumny.
2020 n 2021 were supposed to be great for lewa but it was totally devastating.
Lewi looking handsome.?
You deserved it more than me in 2020 Lewa, I admit this.
Lächerlich !
Wenn jetzt , und hier die Leistung von Lewandowski nicht für die Auszeichnung reichen soll, dann wird Messi diesen Preis noch weitere 5 Jahre haben !
Imagine walking in the streets and see Lewandowski casually walking
Film o największej porażce Lewego w życiu i największym oszustwie w Światowej Piłce. Wstyd dla France Football. Żenada.
Though messi has grasped the balan d'or ,Lewa is the true winner.
Lächerlich und unsportlich diese Wahl. Nur weil Messi einmal Südamerika-Cup gewonnen hat und für Paris spielt wurde er belohnt, aber nicht verdient!
Ronaldo fans hate pessi
Lewa fans hate pessu
Lewa is the only one Who deserves it!
Lewandowski is the real winner!!!
Zachowałeś się po Mistrzowsku a Złota Piłka i tak Ci się należy za 2020 rok.
Komm lewi bist immer mein größtes vorbild gewesen habe selbst die 9 seit 7 jahren. Komm nächtes jahr hast du ihn!
Factos ????
بلا فائدة ?
We love you Robert?
Lewandowski WIN
Messi is the real winner and he deserved to win but lewa deserved it in 2020

Don't worry Lewa you ill surely get 2022 Ballondeor ??
U can't hate this guy
As a football fan..all i wanted to tell you is….. You deserve this
..Keep on working..One day your success make some noice 
Robbed ? love you lewa
You are a great person n a phenomenal player. You desereve ballondor but unfortunately?
Messi you know, you didn't deserve it!!!
Why lewa speaks in english instead of german ?
Messi speak in spanish
Its only for MESSI
Schade … natürlich ist Messi the Goat … aber für mich hätte es diesmal Lewandowski zu 100 % verdient gehabt …
Aber gleichzeitig Respekt an Messi für die Worte , die er über Lewandowski gesagt hat…
Wahre Champions… !!!
CORRUPTION At it’s Finest
Ballon D’OR Has not Meant Anything In the Recent Years!
Lewa Won Ballon D’OR
Not Messi i don’t care.
2:00 is she wearing a bra?
1:44 he came in a bus?
Lewandowski does not deserve it. He cant dribble. This is not thel level of Messi and never be. Bayern is only local club.
From a Messi fan …
Hopefully you will eventually get one… And one for 2020 too… Even if you don't get it…know Robert that you are a brilliant scorer… I work with Polish ppl…and they all love admire and respect you…you are their pride…???
Just because his name is not Lionel Messi and does not have contact with big legends of football in real life..he couldn't win???
I lost my faith in France football…the most deluded award show ever ?
Lewan was Ballon Dor 2020, but france football didn't give him !