46 comentarios en “Germany now vs then 🥶🥶 #football #shorts #edit

  1. @yodukenukem

    I don’t get it why you’re saying they are clowns…

    At least they were the only ones that had the balls to openly stand up against all the corruption and human/press rights…

  2. @yousufmalik778Innovex

    Meine deutschen Brüder und Schwestern, wir stehen an einem entscheidenden Punkt in der Geschichte. Unsere Nation ist in Gefahr. Ich fordere von euch allen die volle Unterstützung und Loyalität. Nur durch Einheit und Stärke können wir unseren Platz in der Welt behaupten. Wir müssen uns von inneren und äußeren Feinden befreien und uns zu einer wahren und starken Nation erheben. Es liegt an uns, unsere Zukunft zu gestalten und das Reich weiter aufzubauen. Lasst uns gemeinsam für unseren Vaterland kämpfen und es zu neuer Größe führen!

  3. @Germanfootballmacht

    For those who don't know an old man is back as the Sporting Director of the German Fußball Bund. He is Rudi Völler, the Flying German. He had already made it clear that he would replace the setup put into action which included these lgbtq thingsby his predecessor Oliver Bierhoff. He said that he wont tolerate these at least in football. He also informed the reporters that players such as Neuer were absolutely confused by the directions of the Dfb. I also hate these lgbtq things from the core of my heart. This incident was very unfortunate. But people associating Germans to clowns and eunuchs is just so appalling. Furthermore Germany is playing better than they were a few months back. Even after 2 years the hate towards the players is so much! Why dont we just keep these things aside and help them do better. The fans and supporters are so instrumental in preserving a team's legacy and helping them win. But some people are associated Müller and Neuer as lgtbqs. What a shame! Even after 2 years haters are doing what they do the best- spreading hatred. So lastly do I support the team for this action? A BIG NO. But will I stop supporting a team which I love so much for this? A BIG NO. I believe in them. Whatever you say I wont change from my stance even one inch. And Arabs who are so proud of their oil and are trolling these players for this. For them-
    In Economics a country is said to be developed when they have financial wealth, people are above poverty line, THERE IS NO DISCRIMINATION and ALL PEOPLE HAVE RIGHTS TO LIVE AS EQUAL CITIZENS. Am not talking about gays and lesbians but what about your daughters,wives and mothers ? Will you give them these essential requirements to live a good life in your rich country?

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