Traditioneller Oktoberfest-Besuch | Die Ankunft des FC Bayern auf der Wiesn 🥨

Servus zum traditionellen Oktoberfest-Besuch des FC Bayern! 🍻 Viel Spaß mit dem Ankunft unserer Mannschaft. #Wiesn #MiaSanMia

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36 comentarios en “Traditioneller Oktoberfest-Besuch | Die Ankunft des FC Bayern auf der Wiesn 🥨

  1. Kazuya720

    Mich würd ja mal interessieren wie das PR seitig vom FCB durchorganisiert wird. Die müssen ja jeden Spieler nach Maß gebrandet einkleiden, dann der Besuch durchexerziert, Presse akkreditiert, Menüpläne abgeklärt, Vorgaben für die Spieler verfasst und kontrolliert werden und wer weiß was noch?!

  2. Daniela Engel

    Mein Gott, diese überlaufenden, völlig überbewerteten Haufen immer aufm Oktoberfest.. und diese sinnlose Bierverschwenderei.. warum bekommt jeder n neues/frisches Glas Bier fürs Foto..?!? Alles so hirnlos..😩🤣😒

  3. Elena Spiricheva

    Just like at a film festival. Only the red carpet is missing.
    In Yaroslavl we also every year (since 2015) host the gastronomic festival "Feast on the Volga" (the city, which by the way is already 1013 years old, is located on the banks of the great river Volga, hence its name). This is a large-scale holiday on the Strelka (the place where the rivers Volga and Kotorosl merge) with a huge number of events – from tasting the best culinary creations of catering establishments, producers and farm products to entertainment for every taste – all kinds of interactive events, master classes, sweepstakes. In general there are a lot of interesting things, it always makes my eyes wide open. The smells are dizzying and make mouth water. There's so much to choose from – the food is so varied that it's difficult to eat it all in one go (everything is so delicious, lick fingers!). And there are so many people that can't squeeze through – whole families come. Have to stand in line to try something. And in the evening – traditional fireworks. It's a pity that the holiday is only one day. I love this event and attend it every year. All that remains is positive impressions and, of course, a joyful mood

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